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Call for Abstracts

Dear colleagues,

We are happy to invite you to submit your abstracts for scientific paper presentations for the 3rd Rural Geographies Conference in Groningen, The Netherlands, from 26-29 June 2023!

We have received a rich variety of session proposals* within the conference theme Rural Geographies in Transition. We expect that at least one of them will be suitable for you. In case you cannot find a suiting session for the topic you would like to present on, you can also submit your abstract under  ‘other’ and we will try to find or create the right session for you.


To submit an abstract, we ask for a brief description of the theme and content you would like to present on (max 250 words). The abstract should also include a (working) title, up to 5 keywords, your name and your co-authors if applicable. The deadline is February 14th. We appreciate a maximum of two abstract submissions per person.

After the closure of the call for abstracts, the review by the session hosts will take place and we will inform you in February whether your abstract is accepted.

We are looking forward to receiving your abstract and hope to see you soon in Groningen!

Best wishes,

On behalf of the local organising committee, Tialda Haartsen, Martijn van der Heide, Bettina Bock,  Koen Salemink, Christina Rundel, Stephen Adaawen, Henk Hofstede & Yueyue Gao


abstract submission is closed!


* Unfortunately, it is not longer possible to submit your session proposal. You can find a overview of all sessions here.


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